Friday, February 21, 2014

An anime I think would work...

 An anime I think would work or at least I want to see.

Magical Girl Heart Girls Club - The new hit anime where girls use magic to save the world but can only get their magic from dating other girls in school.
Action is every where as the magic that's used is connected the the feelings all the girls share.
Drama with surround the club as the girls have to cheat on each other to save the world leading to the question, Is it better to have a broken heart or a broke world?
Even non-magical enemies will arise as not every one in the school thinks that it's okay for girls to like girls.
Also, will the bake sale to keep the club open make enough yen?
The latest in Japanese fashion, viewer picked opening title song each week, and more based on the one volume manga.
Be sure to support the Cosplay Deviants Kickstarter for a live action North American remake that takes the relationships to a higher level.

"Heart power forever!"

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Free Movie Review Pompeii

First movie review of the year is uploaded. The second movie review will be of a far, far, far better movie.