I know why I love The Flash TV show on the CW.
It is a comic book turned in to a live action series.
By not being afraid of the comic it's based on it has villains that can turn in to smoke, ice&fire guns that people can carry with one hand, proof of time travel, two people becoming one then back to two again, and to see a psychic gorilla walk on his legs down a hall then to harm a man he don't like at all. Character have the outfit, names, and powers from the comics.
Arrow is following the close to real life and dark like the Dark Knight trilogy, Gotham is gritty and dirty with no joy like a cop show on FX or Spike.
Flash has people who are fun, cheerful, colorful, and happy. There are plenty of times we see the show take place in the day as well night. The Flash helps the people even with the smallest of things and the police with any problem they may have.
He is the hero that comics have forgotten and movies won't show.