Thursday, March 21, 2013

Don't care that much

I scored 70%, with 7 of 10 correct on The Escapist's Star Trek: An Original Series Quiz.
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Captain James T. Kirk
You've completed the Star Trek Quiz and in less than five years.

The better of 2 brothers

I scored 70%, with 7 of 10 correct on The Escapist's Daryl Dixon's Ridiculously Badass Walking Dead Quiz.
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I knew most of the questions for sure but there were 2 I had no idea.

Dangerous Daryl Dixon
The Daryl Dixon quiz has been completed with some bruising.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Less forceful

I scored 40%, with 4 of 10 correct on The Escapist's How Well Do You Know Star Wars?.
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You've trudged through the Star Wars Quiz.